Sunday, March 23, 2008

Peach Country

My wife, her family, and I just got back from Georgia...which I guess is peach country. I, however, did not see one peach fact, I have been to Georgia 2 times in my life and I have still seen more peach trees in Stratford, OK. I must say that I have not seen ALL of Georgia so it would not surprise me if there were lots of peaches somewhere out there.
We had a great time! I played more golf consecutively than I have played in at least 8 years! The weather was perfect (it felt good wearing short sleeves everyday in March). I am so blessed to have married into the family I did and to grow up in the family that I did. I've got it good on both ends. My wife's family is so fun to be around...every single one of them have the ability to make other people laugh (an area where I am not quite as gifted)...needless to say we spent lots of time laughing on our 13 hour drive there and back. I grew up in a very close family and was raised with good family values and I am very thankful for my family and how great it is to spend time with them. On the same token, I am very thankful that I married into a family that is also so very close and fun to spend time with. It has been a "win win" situation for me because I was born into and married into the types of families that don't come around very often. My wife and I are blessed...We might not have been blessed with billions of dollars, but I guarantee you there are hundreds upon thousands of billionaires that would trade in their wealth for the opportunity to be a part of a family like ours.
On another note, today is Easter... I wonder when the idea of the Easter bunny came along? We have always celebrated Easter in remembrance of Jesus Christ's Resurrection. Not to knock the Easter bunny, but isn't it funny how the world tries to commercialize the holidays that celebrate our faith. Make no mistake about it, the Christian faith will always be attacked and Satan will entice this world to believe that this life is about temporary things. He will do it in subtle ways...the Bible says that Satan will come as an angel of light...Of the 2 people that read this blog, how many agree that television entertainment is one of those angel's of light? I cannot count how many Christians I know that are so calloused to the fact that the crap that they watch on TV is polluting there lives and destroying their ability to minister to others. Make no mistake when you read this, I too struggle with justifying bad values for the sake of entertainment. I am challenging myself and others who read this to do their best to focus on Christ and the amazing life he fill our hearts and minds with His word and love....if we truly want to glorify God we will do this with all of our might so that we might help point our lost friends, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, strangers, family members, anybody in our circle of influence to Christ.
Last week in Georgia was great, but I regret so much that I didn't even think to share His name.

1 comment:

Matt McMains said...

sup dude...thanks for the shoutout! I am one of the two who reads your blog haha. I do agree by the way..T.V. is far worse for Christians than we realize.

p.s. I think the Easter bunny was originally a pagan symbol. NO place in Christian history really, but I guess it's fun for kids.