Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cutting the Grass

I once had a neighbor who came from California and used weird phrases and words like...
"cutting the grass"--instead of mowing the lawn
"going to the market"--instead of the grocery store
"using the clicker"--instead of the remote control...
I once thought this friend was different for using those words and phrases, but now I have grown up and matured only to realize that almost all people are "weird" or different than I am....harsh reality. Back to the cutting/mowing the grass. I recently had my yard sprayed to help distinguish the ever growing population of weeds. As Global Warming continues to rise (HA!!!!!) I am coming to the realization that mowing the lawn is going to be another regular activity for me. I must say that I am not one of those people who enjoy mowing the lawn and the fact that I saw about 10 large spiders every time I mowed last summer does not further motivate me. I would usually consider myself to be "the glass is half full" kind of guy so I am going to try and have an optimistic view on the situation.
Jumping back to the different people in this world... As I think of how can I possibly relate or build relationships with people who are different than I am, one truth comes to mind. My love for others is more important than my desire that they agree with me. Jesus said in Matthew, I believe chapter 20, love God with all your heart and love others as yourself. Basically after running around in circles with this post...I would just like to remind myself and anyone who might read this... Others will be encouraged to look to Christ if you genuinely love them.

1 comment:

Matt McMains said...

I think you meant Matthew 22, but we'll let it slide. Good post you been doin?